
Fukuyama Rose

I found out about "Kawasaki Rose" on my friend's, Andy's, blog.
It is amazing that this beautiful rose is made by a piece of origami.

I tried to make "Fukuyama Rose", which was arranged by Japanese Highschoolers from the "Kawasaki Rose".

Fukuyama Rose

Although you need to spend an hour or so to make this rose, it's worth it.
You could find "how to" here. It's written in Japanese, but the pictures will help you to make it.


Twisting zipper pouch

twisting zipper pouch

This pouch is made with a zipper and ribbon.
I don't know who came up with this idea. It is a amazing creation, isn't it?

It is supposed to be shaped like pyramid

At first, I didn't measure a zipper accurately. It turned to be a crooked flat pouch.

twisting zipper pouch


@Cat's Hill Classic


This wheelbag is very similar to my Hoop Bag :-)
